[2018-19] Landsknecht champion in Tourmanent, Red Avatar business

  • The precedent is already there, I've heard in the Temple that there was a year when the Red Avatar allowed the Orcs to attend the tournament (this was the spark that started the idea.)

    Thank you, Hubert for the facts, I was not aware of that daily donation from the Temple towards the camps.

    Having a LKL Dragonark seems like a good idea, because this allows us to have more exquisite contracts about stealing eggs, ambushing other teams who carry eggs and so on.

  • Having a LKL Dragonark seems like a good idea, because this allows us to have more exquisite contracts about stealing eggs, ambushing other teams who carry eggs and so on.

    Well I don't think that Hubert meant that we should get a Dragonark as we would need a ritual place for that and that could be a first step into becoming a dragon camp.
    I personally don't like the idea of LKL stealing a eggs as it involves stealth and I don't want us doing this sort of contracts. We can win one in combat or ambush the carriers but for that we don't need an ark the contractor can give us theirs with a team.
    Also we do already get contracts involving dragon eggs. At least there was once a contract were we had to camp in front of copper and look that they won't get any more eggs into their camp. We may or may not have mistook their ram for a Dragonark in the process but that doesn't matter.
    This year we also chased a dragonark.
    The problem with this kind of work is that we are to slow for that. I don't mean necessarily on the field but we normally need some time to find people which makes a short notice contract difficult.

  • I also think that its a bad idea for us to get a dragonark, but to throw in a new idea:
    How about we sell sponsorship for our champion, a bit like the blue camp did once to pay us for the final battle. The difference would be that the one who sells those shares takes notes witch camp bought the most, and i case our champion wins the camp that invested the most money gets the egg.

  • Only the competing camps can have a Dragonark, including Avatar, banner, ritual place, etc. pp. That's not what we want. ;)
    Competing camps are: all dragons and chaos / the neverending change (how do they translate the new name?). Only this camps can handle Dragoneggs and win the DF.

    The precedent is already there, I've heard in the Temple that there was a year when the Red Avatar allowed the Orcs to attend the tournament (this was the spark that started the idea.)

    The Orcs once were part of the competition, with Avatar, banner, the whole stuff. They won the competition in 2004, the following DF 2006 (the DF paused the year in between) was inofficially called "Urukfest". Their status changed 2008 or 2009, I'm not sure. It's a long story, why they don't wanted to compete anymore, it doesn't fit in here.

    Fun fact: back in 2004 there was a mercenaries camp, as a part of the competition, too. They sold their Avatar right after the start of the game. ;)

  • (...) I like the the idea, to have a own Landsknecht shrine in the temple. Bauprojekt? :)

    I remember a bad story about Laslo spending hours to build something for the temple, so I would not build anything for them. Just donating the egg and maybe placing something from us in the themple, that we already have or can do easily.

    Well I don't think that Hubert meant that we should get a Dragonark as we would need a ritual place for that and that could be a first step into becoming a dragon camp.


    How about we sell sponsorship for our champion, a bit like the blue camp did once to pay us for the final battle. The difference would be that the one who sells those shares takes notes witch camp bought the most, and i case our champion wins the camp that invested the most money gets the egg.

    If you are talking about 3 or 4 years ago, that wasn't sponsorship, that was Jette who hired us personally for the final battle.
    But to gain more reputation, I'd say we should involve the important people, as Avatars or Heerführer and not those who have the most money personally.

  • If you are talking about 3 or 4 years ago, that wasn't sponsorship, that was Jette who hired us personally for the final battle.
    But to gain more reputation, I'd say we should involve the important people, as Avatars or Heerführer and not those who have the most money personally.

    I think he ment the "Kriegsanleihen" that the blue camp sold to raise money to buy our camp. Very lovely little cards, I had one on my old Baret.

  • I only Support the idea of Eik. We hold it for the offers of the end battle, maybe some camps get information "who will book the landsknecht for the end battle will get an Dragon egg". Maybe the offers will be bigger again and all of the camps don't know which camp had offered the best quotation. Maybe they push their offers.

    We will bring the egg with the box and the People who can Transport the eggs from the red Avatar under the oberist tent and will stock it till the end battle. We have no People who can Transport this egg, no normal human can Transport this.

    But i think to hold it longer is a Point, when someone heard that we have an egg, maybe some other camp will fight against us because of the egg or will storm in our camp and i don't know that will give the right playing for the DF?

    Dank und Gruß

    Seifen Kalle, schmierig und fein muss die Bier- und Weinseife sein. Seifenhaus Barthel

    Edited once, last by marius_michael (August 20, 2018 at 9:41 AM).

  • Everything that involves transporting the egg has one fatal problem:

    "If someone receives a Dragonegg at a place other than the camp's own ritual place and doesn't
    put it into the respective camp's Dragonark or on the ground of the camp's ritual place, the
    Dragonegg disappears within 3 minutes. If the Dragonegg wasn't handed over by someone
    else (e.g. it appeared by itself) the Dragonegg remains exactly there where it appeared until
    someone picks it up and puts it in a Dragonark"

    In addition to that, something that isn't translated but stated in the German rules:

    "Sobald ein gefundenes oder geklautes Drachenei in die eigene Drachenlade gelegt wurde, und
    man dieses nun aus der Drachenlade herausnimmt und nicht umgehend innerhalb der
    nächsten 3 Minuten an einem Kraftplatz sockelt (muss nicht der eigene sein…) oder in eine
    Drachenlade legt, verschwindet das Drachenei."

    means: if we would transport the egg, no matter with which dragonark, it would disappear once we take it out of said ark to put it in our camp (or the temple).

    So the only possibility would be to give the egg to any camp right away. If we decide to "store" it in the arena, we would have to guard it, since that egg would be "free for all" as long as it is lying there.

    It may be though, that eggs won in competitions in the city are spawned directly into the camp, I'm not quite sure.

    Maybe we should ask the orks what their plan was, if they had won. :D

  • I like the idea, red should agree to sponsor something like this. They are all about winning stuff in fair fight.

    Since we cannot transport the egg and cannot keep it more than three minutes, we should auction off our fighter if he makes it into the finals. Before the fight starts, all camps present can bid, highest bid gets the egg if we win. Would be wonderfully mercenary. Would just have to somehow communicate this before the finals start.