Hintergrund gesucht

  • Moin!

    Während Gundolf und ich das DF rückblickend bequatscht haben, ist uns aufgefallen, dass wir gerne mehr Wert auf einen IT Hintergrund legen wollen. Nun finden wir es immer etwas albern sich irgendwas auszudenken und das dann anderen zu erzählen. Spannend und spielfördernd sind hingegen Anknüpfungspunkte mit anderen Charakteren und gemeinsame Hintergründe. Die Imperialen Landsknechte liefern dafür ein gutes Beispiel.

    Wir haben uns also überlegt, bevor wir uns eine eigene Geschichte zurecht schustern, fragen wir einfach mal, ob jemand uns in den eigenen Hintergrund mit aufnehmen mag. Als Nachbarn, entfernte Verwandte, Landsleute was auch immer. Wie genau man das dann ausgestaltet, ist jetzt erstmal noch offen. Alternativ auch einfach, dass man sich etwas überlegt, was zwischen den Feldzügen vorgefallen ist. Beispielsweise ein Streit, der dann wieder hochkocht, geschlichtet werden muss und am Ende wird wieder auf Greta geschossen. Oder so.

  • If I understand correctly you want a more established background and a way to generate connections between characters.

    For the last there is a little game called ball of yarn that does something similar to that. Basically it's a small game that works as an icebreaker to generate connection points between characters so that the players have an easier time to work on with this. Also it lets a glimpse on everyone's character so you can know what to expect.

    It works like this: you get a group of players and someone start telling a short, few sentence story about something that happened to their character and then point to another player who's character was also included in this. Now the character who was pointed to finishes the story about how his character was connected to the story. It is important to not contradict the original story, and also that the original story should be something that is easy to include someone else. When the player who was pointed to finishes the story he starts his own short story and points to someone else who wasn't included in a story so far, and it continues until everyone has at least one connection. You can make several rounds of this, and also it's good if the players later talk through their connections to flesh it out a little more.

    Example for short stories:
    "I was piss drunk in a Pitz and shittalked the Profoss who just happened to enter." Then pointing to another guy who finishes it like "I quietly signaled that the Profoss is here and tried to change the subject so no problem would arise from this" or "I one-upped the shittalking not realizing who entered and both of us got into trouble" etc.

    "Ever noticed when you see two groups who really hate each other, chances are good that they are wearing different kind of hats. Keep an eye on that, might be important"