Beiträge von Sonir

    My take on this is did it would be best if the group flags would be Placed where did group's tents are, but I realize thatthis is not feasible all the time.
    So about flags thesis are the ones I can bring

    The "Follow the cock and swallow" flag. It's getting old, so there is a chance I'll make a new version of it before DF though not sure if I will have time for that or not

    Random eagle flag

    this random phoenix

    And somewhere there is a similar one with a bear on gray background, but I can't find a pic of it now.

    also random idea.
    If we indeed make a " mobilen Kampfplatz" that we use, we might as well contact the fighters guild if they want to do something together with us. Joint training, or something along those lines, maybe friendly or not so friendly rivalry, etc

    Meanwhile, idea for a cool picture for next year or whenever: The moment when before the final battle landsknecht men standing in line for the sigmar priest to bless their codpiece and the women standing in line for a blessing on their tits

    I also like the military camp focus we have and it's one of the great advantages of LKL, that we have an actual working hierarchy.
    And the non-military aspects should obviously complement this. So stuff that makes sense in a military camp and reasonable to have, basically the "support staff", and we already have a few to some degree but that's where we can improve a little.
    And obviously it would be good to get more combatants.

    So what I'm trying to say, a heavily military focus is good and maybe it we can improve that too, but it would be nice to get people who do stuff that isn't fighting but either supporting the fighters actively or just there to make the camp life more colorful.

    And both the supportive things and making the camp colorful is kind of hard to do it on our own. Obviously we don't have infinite manpower so that's an issue.
    But there is two other: the whole Drachenfest sometimes offer those support or colorful stuff that is easier to take than implement it ourselves. Like when the MASH do the healing for us, instead of doing it with our own healers.
    The other things is if we solve all our own "problems" by ourselves that limits the outside interactions (but depending on other outside players can bring it's own problem, so yeah...)


    If we open up further projects - like the one mentioned above, for example the military hospital - then we will feel it in other places.

    Kind of true, but one of the things I encountered whenever I tried to recruit people for the LKL here in Hungary, that they felt like the camp is "just" about mercenaries which in turn for them felt like it's all about fighting (I know it's not true but that was the impression for them)
    Having a way more dedicated part in the camp that isn't just about fighting maybe bring us people that otherwise wouldn't join.
    I'm not saying it will 100% happen, but basically if we broaden our possibilities we might get more people and it won't take away that many people from other places.

    If I understand correctly you want a more established background and a way to generate connections between characters.

    For the last there is a little game called ball of yarn that does something similar to that. Basically it's a small game that works as an icebreaker to generate connection points between characters so that the players have an easier time to work on with this. Also it lets a glimpse on everyone's character so you can know what to expect.

    It works like this: you get a group of players and someone start telling a short, few sentence story about something that happened to their character and then point to another player who's character was also included in this. Now the character who was pointed to finishes the story about how his character was connected to the story. It is important to not contradict the original story, and also that the original story should be something that is easy to include someone else. When the player who was pointed to finishes the story he starts his own short story and points to someone else who wasn't included in a story so far, and it continues until everyone has at least one connection. You can make several rounds of this, and also it's good if the players later talk through their connections to flesh it out a little more.

    Example for short stories:
    "I was piss drunk in a Pitz and shittalked the Profoss who just happened to enter." Then pointing to another guy who finishes it like "I quietly signaled that the Profoss is here and tried to change the subject so no problem would arise from this" or "I one-upped the shittalking not realizing who entered and both of us got into trouble" etc.

    Das ist zwar wahr, aber auch sehr anstrengend für den, der es abhält, wegen der krassen Ablenkungen. Häufig wird das auf diese Weise nicht stattfinden, dafür braucht es einen eigenen, dafür gedachten Platz.

    What if we make a mobile fence that we can put up in front of the camp for... fencing. (Get it? Fence for FENCING!)
    Anyway this way, we can be the wicked not so good mercenaries who expropriate public property for a while but in the meantime give passerbys a little show.

    by no means would it make the forum obsolete. Discord is just an instant message software, so it's pretty shit on itself at storing information and the likes. The forum would be still needed for important stuff and for slower communications.

    As with every IM software it makes easier to keep in touch and do talk through little things easier. So yeah, it won't solve all of our problems, probably won't solve any problems in itself, only help to mitigate some.
    Also IF (and that's a pretty big if) people would start using it, it might help to keep up the interest through the whole year

    A talked with a few people here and the idea came up that we could use a Discord server. Maybe.
    For those who doesn't know what Discord is, the short version that it's communication software that can manage text, voice and images among other things, easy and widely used, also it's free. Little longer version is here

    - Instant messaging which is always good
    - Messages doesn't get deleted, if you have enough time you can read back whenever you want
    - You can make separate channels (like topics in a forum) and categorize them
    - Roles and permissions, admins can manage what channels others could see, etc
    - Easy to use on a variety of platforms. There is a desktop version for it, or you can just open it in your browser and there is also a handy phone app.
    - Tagging. You can tag a person, or groups which sends a notification, email notifs are also possible as far as I know.
    - Because it is easily accessible it could work as a place where people who are interested in our camp can easily contact us in a non-formal way.
    - You can get good bots for various stuffs
    - Probably there is more, These are the important things I can remember right now.

    - With too many people who have way too much free time for chatting it can easily get chaotic. (good structuring of channels can help, but still)
    - The taggings and notifs aren't all powerful
    - At the end of the day it's still just another platform that people would have to use, and learn how to use.
    - No good in-built translator for it, but that's my own grief

    So the question is, is there a need for something like this?

    hab mal eben einen Server erstellt. Wer Admin Rechte will kann sie haben. Ich moderiere auch nix, dafür sind wir alle erwachsen und ich zu faul.

    Wednesday, the chaos camp protection not so quickly turned into an attack on the red. The actual fight was good, but before that it was pretty much meh.

    At Thursday we bodyguarded a group from silver, possibly this was Tiberian Groll but they split up so I had to split up my group too. I was with the one that went to the red camp to a strange animal auction I think. That was nice in regards of provided shade, liquids and food and even had the chance to talk with a people, so I would say it was good. The other group didn't had so much luck.

    Crashing the party at Green was a fun assignment, we did as much as we could but sadly, the guards in green were really spot on so the throw us out quickly four times. Anyway that was a fun assignment and we really enjoyed it.

    Lots of people mentioned the Friday defense of green as people didn't interacted with us much, but on the other hand there was a period of time when there were a light breeze, drinks, someone with a bagpipe provided music, great scenery and it was during the sunset. So it's a good memory, apart from all the marching.