Presentation - Fitz

  • Hi there,

    I'm Chris, a British LRPer whose been to the DF (and once hid in your camp during a thunderstorm and was kindly given beer!) and EE before as other characters, but I've always had a love for Landsknecht aesthetic and looked at your camp and its participants with envy at their costumes.

    I've been trying to put together a costume for a Landsknecht over the last few months, and did not realise this forum existed until informed by Norbert! I can't believe I've missed it! Whilst I don't think I can come to the DF this year, I would very much like to do so another time. But I understand many of you are very knowledgeable about Landsknecht costume and I was hoping whether I could get some advice as to how I can improve it, and finalise some of the details. I'd either be looking to fight with a pole-axe or an arquebus. There is a guy in the UK who makes some really cool ones, they fire a small foam ball with a puff of smoke powder, are these acceptable to be used in Germany?…8JBTUZQPLsAwEbc

    At the moment the main things I'm looking for feedback on the below costume and advice in regards to belts and pouches - is there much source material or examples for them, as I've used some English 15th century costume, but I don't feel like its right? I'm attempting to go for historically inspired, but it doesn't have to be entirely accurate. Excuse the lack of bearpaws thus far, I'm currently in the process of getting some made. I'm also going to replace the brigandine with an early 16th century winchester style breastplate to go with the almain rivet splints.

    Thanks for your help in advance, and great costumes all around!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Master Pyke (21. März 2019 um 22:21)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I'd love to have you (and the other Talbots, bring them!!) in our camp!

    Your kit looks perfect just as it is, everything beyond what i can see is just working on details. I prefer the blue-red kit, but that is just personal taste (fuck Altdorf though :D ).

    Regarding belts and pouches i have absolutely no idea on what is historically accurate. Most of our camp (as far as i assume) uses 15th century (or other visually fitting) accessories, so you'll be perfectly fine using what you already have.

  • Thanks for your comments. I'm glad it's on point. Good to know about the belts and pouches, I'll probably try and get something done up that matches.

    But yeah, I'd really like to get a couple of the other Talbots to come along too and give it a go. The only thing I can promise we'd bring is trouble and plenty of English cider! :D

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Welcome! :)

    I'd say, there are not many belts and pouches on pictures of mens period costumes, but I might be wrong. Definately there are pictures of women wearing belts, with pouches and knifes attached.
    We have a long table of contens in the forum, about all sorts of topics around clothes and accessoires, I lately translated it to English.
    We also have a bit collection of links to [url=…2.html#msg12122]primary sources[/url], but not translated yet. I hope this helps.

    But as you already might know: we do LARP, mainly we wear historically inspired clothes, but some also "just" have Warhammer inspired clothes. So ist doesn't have to be perfectly accurate :).

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Looking a bit into the whole belt thing, i realised that i never noticed the (cloth)belts most Landsknechts wear on their waist, often with a small dagger (seen…islaeufer_1.jpg here or…o_di_guerra.jpg here) never seen that worn by anyone in our camp.