[zeitlos] Tross-Spiel im LKL

  • I started this topic becuase there are a few girls in my country who are interested in coming to Drachenfest and _MIGHT_ come to the LKL but they aren't entirely sure if this camp is what they want.

    What I'm mainly looking for is ideas of what could female charters do in the camp that aren't just healing, alchemy, water distribution or fighting and the likes BUT also enjoyable AND fits the camp image and won't get boring after half a day

    For example just as a random idea, if some of the girls would bring sellable stuff into the town could that be something that is okay with the LKL or can we make it more "landsknechtish"?
    Any ideas are welcomed

    "Ever noticed when you see two groups who really hate each other, chances are good that they are wearing different kind of hats. Keep an eye on that, might be important"

  • They can du what everyone else of us is doing. We have quite some fighting woman in the camp.

    Or is it, that they don't want to fight?

    Ich bereue nichts! Lang lebe Manfred von Carstein!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In general, we don't have historical gender roles, as split up in "men do fighting" and "women do Tross". Means, everyone in our camp can do what they would like. But: we once decided, that the LKL should mainly be a fighting camp, with as much hellebards as possible. The less hellebards we have, the worse we can sell ourselfs.

    So, I say: everyone who is new or old to the camp, should consider to fight with a hellebard. If there is a reason why not, we should see about every single case.
    But as you might know, we have no official possibility to control the concepts, only the clothes.

    For me, fitting concepts would be fighting (mainly hellebards, but there are other weapons used in the camp) or historically inspired Tross. Only inspired, though.
    Until now, we didn't need any healers, as we often hired the Söldner Hospital, which ist specialised in healing. What we need all the time - outgame - is people bringing water to the battlefield.
    Tross could be anything that serves us landsknechts, mainly us than others. So selling stuff to people outside the camp would not be very fitting and I also couldn't think of any item that would represent our camp well. There are loads of alcohol, pictures of naked people and even women themselves being sold all over the whole Drachenfest. The LKL is more than just this. But this is just my opinion.
    Jupp did do alchemy this year, maybe write him a message? We also have two people in the camp that do the garden and then make healing potions and one of them is even a doctor. I'm not sure if they are in the forum, but I could send you an e-mail adress. Maybe they need an apprentice?

    What could be a job inside our camp (tbc.):
    - Outgame: Bringing water to the battlefield (we still need a solution for nice bottles or similar). Cooking, maybe even an ingame offer for those coming without a group.
    - Ingame: washing clothes, shaving, selling stuff to ourselfs, doing the dishes (I'd pay for this! :D ), getting a job at the Stab.

    But - maybe despite of cooking - all of those ideas wouldn't fill a whole day...

  • Seeing as we have a lot of guests coming to camp each day, besides all that is going on around and in front, I would not worry about boredom soon. What they want to fill their day with really depends on the players and their wishes and interests. There are countless options within the camp, also if actively fighting is not their desire. (Can they play the flute perchance? :D) The language barrier might be a hindrance in camp, but we could also turn it into something that generates play. Why not start an LKL translation service to help the Obrist and Stab cope with all those different Knechts from all those different regions speaking all different languages and accents? I would totally join this, maybe go to town school to do some language learning and then help each other and have some fantastic misunderstandings.

  • I know that the fighting is an option but I'm also aware that not everyone is fond of it so I merely try to look for other options and to make the camp a little more lively maybe in the process, if it's possible.

    So I doesn't look for one thing that fills a whole day but one that could be a strong link to the camp so to say. The girls doesn't really knew either what they want or can do here as such a big larp as Drachenfest is completely new to them. That's part of the reason I want them to have some kind of small task that would be good "crutch" and also beneficial for the camp

    "Ever noticed when you see two groups who really hate each other, chances are good that they are wearing different kind of hats. Keep an eye on that, might be important"

  • The saltzknechts have, amonst other miscreants, an alchemist and two brewers who work as such and can be hired or traded with.
    At the same time, they are mercenaries like everyone else, so if nothing else is going on, they are on the field soldiering whenever we go to battle.

    I would recommend that everyone has some way of being part of the landsknecht army when we go to war, even if that is not their main profession. You could boil it down to "if they can be mustered, they have a place in the camp".

    If you are looking for suggestion, I think we could use artists of any kind, craftspeople to bother the various guilds, weird priests, bakers to keep the oven from getting depressions, maybe even dedicated messengers on and off the battlefield.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In general, we don't have historical gender roles, as split up in "men do fighting" and "women do Tross". Means, everyone in our camp can do what they would like. But: we once decided, that the LKL should mainly be a fighting camp, with as much hellebards as possible. The less hellebards we have, the worse we can sell ourselfs.


    We've got a lot of members in the camp who do many other thing during the days and parallel to battles. As one of them - playing religious stuff in the White, guild-based things in Grey and Aldradrdrradrach - I can say, that it's not that easy to catch all the cool stuff in the Landsknechtslager, if you've some other "needs" to do. If it's the first time for someone to be at the Drachenfest, it may be easier to try to act only in the Landsknechtlager.

    (Remember: First time MASH is an experience for a half day. With the drill-time and first maneuvers, Wednesday is fullfilled with experience. If you never were in Aldradrach, you can make a shopping-tour AND stay for 4-6 hours in some taverns and a second day is also filled.... :) )

  • Hi Sonir,

    i need a woman for my Soap Business a woman who sells with me the Soap, last year i must brough for my a assistant who works for my and my beer Soaps :D Bögenhafen the guys who plays in this Group they have a Business beside the fighting role. They are sons of tradesman, one of them is musician, Soap Trader, chains and ring Traders, one who study legal advice and so on........

    I think every Person in our camp can take a Business beside the normal role or they can combine like the ideas before like alchemysts or healer....maybe together they can organize a sickbay like a stationary Hospital..... i think there are a lot of possibilities. i think the best way will be when they think about it what they want and make a list and than we can Show over it......But for every one is a Business possible.

    Best regards,


    Seifen Kalle, schmierig und fein muss die Bier- und Weinseife sein. Seifenhaus Barthel

  • my Soap Business

    I though Kendra was the head of the soap-men :D

    Joking aside, thanks for the ideas, it's still kind of blurry who will come to drachenfest and to the LKL but hopefully that will be decided in the next week or two, hence I tried to ask beforehand.
    Also it looks like I will bring somewhere around 7-11 people this year depending on how things goes, nearly half of them will be girls.

    "Ever noticed when you see two groups who really hate each other, chances are good that they are wearing different kind of hats. Keep an eye on that, might be important"

  • Hey there,

    As for me, I will probably stay in a support role because I know we need the water and stuff - especially with a weather like last year. I will like to improve my healing methods as well with making fake wounds out of latex that I can pretend to sew and bloody my hands with. I saw them last year and really liked to idea, and a stationary hospital sounds nice. I will make more surgical tools, so I can lend some to others like last year if they fancy healing.

    I'm also planning to take on some business so the girls might help me out, they can have more interaction in the city, etc. I will bring my weaving equipment, some yarns in different colors and will be able to weave bands even with requested patterns in a few hours' time. I wanted to do it last year as well but I ran out of time.

    There are fortunately plenty of opportunities, so we'll see. We'll talk this through with them as well. :)
    Thank you for the ideas so far!

    - And I just like this soap-men assistant idea :D -

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hey there

    the idea of a stationary hospital isnt new. We did build a hospital tent, but as i remember, no one realy used it.
    But you can open a topic and ask for people who will play wiht this tent and we can try to find a place in the camp for it.

    Any idea (with stationary things int the camp) you got can be put to a discussion and if some people want to play with it we`ll try to make it happen; like the oven for example.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    As those two players, who managed the garden the last few years, won't come this year: maybe someone of you has interest in alchemy, plants and healing stuff?
    I don't know much about the garden, we just have the wooden build with a lot of decoration stuff. There are rules for gardens at Drachenfest, e.g. it needs a sunny place for this plant and shadow for another plant and water gives you extra points and so on.
    An SL comes to visit the garden every morning and adds stuff that can used for potions.

  • Uuu, Lyraevi / Évi who is coming with us this year is planning to have a garden and do alchemist stuff. I think she might be interested cause this way we wouldn't have to bring all the wooden crates and things from Hungary, only maybe some additional decoration she planned to have. I'll show her this topic, thanks for the information! :)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Show her the topic and, that's important, we have to pre-inform the Alchemists Guild about garden - otherwise nothing will grow in it. ;)

    There are also some Alchemy-Hand-Outs, and it's easier to look about it zeitnah! ;D


  • She will write here later (or in her 'Vorstellung' topic) about her concept, she's gathering information and materials. :) But she is totally interested in having the garden as a base. Thanks for the link, lotsa information. :D
    I guess what they previously used as soil is brought every year so we should get some soil-thing to put under everything.

    Btw, Kendra, do we have in the warehouse a small desk or table that is not used by anyone?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I'm absolutely not sure if this is information about the alchemy handut or similar, but I just found this on Facebook:

    Zitat von Dominik Honke

    Wie jedes Jahr schon mal vorab der Alchemie/Kräuterhandout 2019:


    Einzige Neuerung zum Vorjahr sind die "Rezeptkarten", die (wie der Name schon verrät) Sonderrezepte enthalten (zB Mixturen die im Rahmen der Fertigkeit "Erforscher der Alchemie" entwickelt wurden.

    Die Karten enthalten wie normale Gildenfertigkeitskarten den IT/OT Namen und das Lager des Spielers, eine Zutatenliste und eine Wirkungsbeschreibung die auf den alchemistischen Erzeugniskarten vermerkt werden kann.

  • Hi
    As those two players, who managed the garden the last few years, won't come this year: maybe someone of you has interest in alchemy, plants and healing stuff?
    I don't know much about the garden, we just have the wooden build with a lot of decoration stuff. There are rules for gardens at Drachenfest, e.g. it needs a sunny place for this plant and shadow for another plant and water gives you extra points and so on.
    An SL comes to visit the garden every morning and adds stuff that can used for potions.

    Hi Garfield,
    Im interested - im interested! *.* It would be fantastic if I could use these, I was already worried that if I bring some creates from home I will use up too much space in the car. Is the offer still standing?